Trustee Alliance Workshop
April 5, 2019
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Trustee Alliance Workshop
Novi Public Library
Friday, April 5, 2019
“Meeting the Challenge”
Synopsis: Libraries are viewed as open access organizations, providing information resources and materials to their communities without barriers to those services. Libraries have an obligation to provide materials and information which represent all points of view and which reflect diversity of opinion. What happens when a library is challenged about its selection of materials or its use of meeting room space? How does a library meet that challenge?
Registration deadline: March 22, 2019 Refund deadline: March 29, 2019
8:30 am – Registration and Breakfast Refreshments
9:00 am – Welcome: Jill Sodt, FOML President, and Sue Johnson, President, Novi Public Library Friends
Welcome and Speaker Introduction: Shirley Bruursema, FOML Trustee Alliance
Representative and Trustee, Kent District Library
9:15 am – “Meeting the Challenge: The Trustee Role and Responsibility”
Jamie LaRue, Past Director, ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom
(with time for audience questions and answers)
10:15 am – Morning Break
10:30 am – Round Table Discussions with Jamie LaRue, with FAQs about library challenges and case
11:45 am – Lunch with Information Sharing and Optional Library Tours
12:45 pm – “Library of Michigan Legal Perspective on Library Challenges”
Clare Membiela, Library Law Specialist, Library of Michigan
1:45 pm – Afternoon Break
2:00 pm – Talk About Trustees: What knowledge about governing your library can you share?
What questions do you want answered?
2:45 pm – Wrap-up and Workshop Evaluation
with Shirley Bruursema
3:00 pm – Adjournment
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Library of Michigan.