Trustee Alliance Membership
February 27, 2019 - March 7, 2020
5:00 pm - 11:55 pm
Membership has moved to a new 2020 Year form. Please click below to register.
I am pleased to report that 63 public libraries, representing a significant service population of Michigan residents, responded positively (YES vote) to the January 2010 survey which asked whether Michigan public library trustees would consider a Trustee Membership in the Friends of Michigan Libraries (FOML).
As a result of this affirmative vote, the FOML Board approved a Trustee Membership category at its April 7th meeting, and a committee comprised of Trustees and Friends has begun work on a strategic plan and structure for implementation of this collaborative alliance.
Most of all, I want to emphasize the benefits of this Trustee Membership. These benefits include:
Trustee training, on-site at accessible locations throughout Michigan, and off-site through online resources;
- Trustee website, a section of the FOML website (www.foml.org) devoted to resources and information pertaining to trustees, including a FAQ Trustee section;
- Trustee newsletter, available on the website or sent to you in the mail;
Networking opportunities, through trustee workshops or through questions and answers posted on the website; -
- Publications, informative articles written by experienced trustees and others familiar with library governance;
- Advocacy assistance, informative resources that help trustees in working with the Michigan political and legislative process.