September 27, 2022
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 am
“Mi Right to Read: Intellectual Freedom and Resources for Friends Groups”
Virtual Event
Since March of 2022, the Michigan Library Association’s (MLA) Intellectual Freedom Task Force has been hard at work developing the Mi Right to Read Coalition. Mi Right to Read provides direct support, an intellectual freedom toolkit, and the strength of a statewide coalition in their efforts to thwart censorship attempts at Michigan libraries.
In this Connect with Friends event, MLA’s Intellectual Freedom Task Force Chair, Dillon Geshel, will summarize the resources available through Mi Right to Read. Geshel and MLA’s Executive Director, Debbie Mikula, will also discuss how Friends of the Library groups can take action to support libraries and the freedom to read in Michigan.
Our September Connect with Friends will discuss these issues and focus on ways FOML can help you.
Come join us on Tuesday September 27. And bring your thoughts and ideas. Attendance is free for members.